The first ever Canada-e-Connect Conference has come to an end. I personally found it very interesting and stimulating. But more importantly, brought together players from the entire Canadian Tourism value chain (National Commission, Provincial and City DMO's, Transportation and Retail among others) to discuss and work on a common goal (and this is just how I see it): how to take advantage of the revolution or evolution of communications and marketing in the 21st century for the benefit of Canadian tourism as a whole. Another important accomplishment, I think, was the fact that climate change was discussed during the conference vis a vis technological advances in eTourism. On the business side of things, I believe I made some good contacts and met some brilliant Tourism 2.0 practitioners. I also had the opportunity to continue to build relationships with tourism professionals that are carefully looking at all the available Tourism 2.0 tools out there in order to incorporate them into their organizations.
So thank you to Jens, Trevor, Mimi, Lydia, Ghislain and the whole team of volunteers that put this together in a short period of time (of course without their sponsors they couldn't have done it - so thanks to them too - visit the
Canada-e-Connect website to learn more about the conference and take a look at the sponsors (all innovative leaders in their fields - and that will be the extent of my plug)
Cheers y Hasta la Vista,
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