Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Tips from the T-List at PhoCusWright

The most impressive group of travel industry bloggers (B2B) must be the T-List. "The T-List (T standing for Travel) is basically a collection of travel blogs on the Internet that was first compiled by Mathieu Ouellet in March 2006 (www. with just a handful of blogs." Today, the list has grown to a large group of international bloggers with different points of view and focusing on various areas of the travel industry (many wiht a focus on technology). Further to Mathieu's idea, Stephen Joyce of (Sentias Software) and Jens Thraenhart of Chameleon Strategis (former Director of eMarketing at the Canadian Tourism Commission) took it upon themselves to give the T-List a stronger profile and a virtual home. They also came up with the idea of producing a book compiling relevant blogposts called Tips from the T-List that would (and was) distributed at the first Canada-e-Connect eTourism Strategies and other prominent eTravel conferences around the world. They also worked on launching a website that would aggregate the bloggers posts in one virtual home (with lots of work from RezGo's Phil Caines). Thus the Tips from the T-List website was born. TFTTL is now a respected group of eTourism professionals who blog for the benefit of the travel industry world wide. All of us have our regular day jobs but we are passionate about eTourism and its power. To read a breadth of information about the goings on at PhoCusWright go to Tips from the T-List at PhoCusWright.

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