Next week attendees to the Canada-e-Connect 2009 eTourism Conference will hear
experts talking about brand management (and reputation) in the era of Travel 2.0. Friday, Jan 23 at 3:15 pm we will have a panel on the subject: Web 2.0 era, marketers are increasingly finding it challenging to control their messages. Traveler reviews, which are now widely and instantaneously available, affect how others interact with the brands of tourism businesses, from tour operators to hotels to transportation providers. Prosumers (producer consumers) are creating their own content,
which can build or undercut a brand, forcing companies to react more quickly. How does a company you build their brand in this environment? Is it even possible to “protect your brand”? The session promises to engage panellists and attendees in a dialogue about branding, messaging and consumer insight at a time when consumers/travellers have more power than at any other time in history. Companies who can best manage this new reality will be the
winners in the Tourism 2.0 world. The current business environment where consumers are active participants in creating brand connotations for themselves and others has (or should) change marketer's approach to branding.

Our panel will be moderated by Jim Brody, Sales
Manager, Destination Marketing (top), Trip Advisor with the participation of Carmen Ciotola, Vice President, Communication and Marketing, Tourisme Montréal, David Alston, VP Marketing, Radian 6 Technologies Inc and Ian McAnerin, Chairman & CEO (right), McAnerin Networks Inc.

Join us at Canada-e-Connect next week to learn, network and devise eTourism strategy. Register at or on site at the InterContinental Hotel Toronto Centre on Front Street beginning Wed Jan 21 at 6pm.
Jaime Horwitz MBA
Chair Advisory Committee Canada-e-Connect 2009
Chair Advisory Committee Canada-e-Connect 2009
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