Tuesday, 13 January 2009

101 travel and travel related Twitterers

Twitter was the social media story of 2008 and it shows no sign of abating, rather it continues to grow with more people and companies signing up daily to micro-blog and take part in the conversation. I did not find current stats for Twitter, but it's widely thought of having millions of users. Twitter is a great way to "blog" in a very short period of time. It can be used to promote travel deals, announce special events in your area, new attractions, etc. Messages can only be 140 characters long or less, so it doesn't take much time to do (beware of conversation hoggers and try not to hog it yourself or you may lose followers). Many travel pundits and tourism professionals have mentioned to me that they still are not sure what to make of Twitter, how to measure its effectiveness. Many people are still wondering about the value of blogging, let alone micro-blogging. In both cases, in my opinion, it's not so much what return your business or destination can get from blogging and twitting (tweeting, twittering), but what the impact on your organizaton may be if you don't. As with blogging, one of the measures of success is not in terms of $$$, but rather in terms of engagement: how many readers, followers you generate. Blogging and Twitter are nothing more than tools for communication. From a strategic point of view you must consider all means of communication with your guests and potential guests. Who does the actual writing, is up to you, but don't dismiss blogging or twitter as fads. Whether Twitter, as a business, survives (it is not making money yet) or not, I am sure that some form of micro-blogging is here to stay. Here's a list of 101 travel and travel related Twitterers:
Jaime Horwitz twitter.com/jaimehorwitz
West Jet - twitter.com/Westjet
CTC CCT Canadian Tourism Commission Media Centre twitter.com/ctccct
Hotel Chatter twitter.com/hotelchatter
SouthWest Airlines twitter.com/SouthwestAir
SeatGuru twitter.com/seatguru
La Times Travel twitter.com//latimestravel
Karen Bryan twitter.com/karenbryan
Hertz – twitter.com/connectbyhertz
Jetblue - twitter.com/JetBlue
Luxor Hotel and Casino - twitter.com/LuxorLV
MGM Mirage - twitter.com/VegasConcierge
MGM Grand Hotel and Casino - twitter.com/mgmgrand
Marriott - twitter.com/MarriottIntl
T Mobile - twitter.com/FlyWithTMobile
Travel Channel - twitter.com/travelchannel
Travel writer twitter.com/Nancydbrown
Travel writer – twitter.com/TravelSavvyKayt
Carnival Cruises twitter.com/carnivalcruise
Travel Blogger twitter.com/alexbainbridge
Travolution twitter.com/travolution
BootsNall twitter.com/SEKeener
TargetVacations twitter.com/targetvacations
Viscape twitter.com/viscape
iSango twitter.com/isango
Conde Nast Traveler twitter.com/cntraveler
Capilano Suspension Bridge twitter.com/capsuspbridge
NewYorkology twitter.com/newyorkology
British Airways twitter.com/britishairways
UpTake twitter.com/uptake
BootsNAll twitter.com/BootsnAll
Tim Huges Blogger twitter.com/timothychughes
TravelMuse twitter.com/travelmuse
Roger Gruys blogger twitter.com/bluepeak
NileGuide.com twitter.com/nileguide
William Bakker twitter.com/wilhelmus
TripBase twitter.com/tripbase
Tripit twitter.com/tripit
Fairmont twitter.com/fairmonthotels
HotelierPortal twitter.com/hotelierportal
MiNube twitter.com/minube
HostelTurCom twitter.com/hostelturcom
HotelChatter twitter.com/hotelchatter
TravelPR twitter.com/travelpr
HotelBlogs twitter.com/hotelblogs
Destinos Actuales twitter.com/destinoactuales
FlyAwayCafe twitter.com/flyawaycafe
Peak2Peak Gondola twitter.com/gondolatour_m
JetWithKids twitter.com/jetwithkids
HotelJuice twitter.com/hoteljuice
Hoteles 2.0 twitter.com/hoteles20
TravelRants twitter.com/travelrants
TravelerWire twitter.com/travelerwire
MarketingTravel twitter.com/marketingtravel
JebWorks (Joe Buhler) twitter.com/jebworks
Planet Eye twitter.com/planeteye
NY Times Travel twitter.com/nytimestravel
Blog on Travel twitter.com/blogontravel
Claude Benard (Hotelitur) twitter.com/claudebenard
Happy Hotelier twitter.com/happyhotelier
The T-List (travel bloggers) twitter.com/tlist
Jens Thraenhart twitter.com/jensthraenhart
Vicky Brock twitter.com/brockvicky
Arizona Tourism twitter.com/arizonatourism
Phil Caines twitter.com/philcaines
Stuart MacDonald twitter.com/stuartma
WorldTravelista twitter.com/worldtravelista
PromoTurismo twitter.com/promoturismo
Stephen Joyce twitter.com/stephenjoyce
Travel2dot0 twitter.com/travel2dot0
Fodor’s Travel twitter.com/fodors
Travel Alberta twitter.com/travelalberta
Heather CTC twitter.com/hadola
Wendy Perrin twitter.com/wendyperrin
Albert Barra twitter.com/albertbarra
The MayFair Hotel London twitter.com/themayfairhotel
Where twitter.com/whereitsat
TravelinGirls twitter.com/travelingirls
TravelPRgirl twitter.com/travelprgirl
CoTravelGirl twitter.com/cotravelgirl
EverywhereTrip twitter.com/everywheretrip
Asheville Travel twitter.com.ashevilletravel
MatadorNetwork twitterl.com/matadornetwork
Travel Trade Gazette UK twitter.com/ttglive
Travelography twitter.com/travelography
GoVisitHawaii twitter.com/govisithawaii
Budget Travel Mag twitter.com/budtravel
Carlo Alvarez Spagnolo twitter.com/cortomaltese
Jet Blue Airways twitter.com/jetblue
Miss ExPatria twitter.com/missexpatria
Go Green Travel Green twitter.com/gogreentraveler
Jaunted Travel Guide twitter.com/jaunted
Gadling twitter.com/gadling
Travel Pod twitter.com/travelpod
Venere Hotels (Spain) twitter.com/venere_hotels
Top Vancouver Restaurants twitter.com/van_restaurants
Travel Off the Cuff twitter.com/travelotc
Wine Travel twitter.com/winetravel
Scottsdale Arizona twitter.com/scottsdaleaz
DealBase twitter.com/dealbase
Beware of squatters, impostors who may use someone else's brand to Twitter.
Canada-e-Connect eTourism Conference will have a panel session on Strategic Blogging, forums and Twitter on Jan 22 at 3 pm. Come hear some experts discuss this fascinating topic and prepare your questions.
Jaime Horwitz MBA

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