Once again I have been totally amazed by Cirque du Soleil. One of the various definitions of Wonder from the people at Merriam Webster is "rapt attention or astonishment at something awesomely mysterious or new to one's experience ." "Rapturous" is defined by the Random House College Dictionary as "full of, feeling or manifesting ecstatic joy or delight." And it is this "rapturous wonder" that I experience when I go to a Cirque du Soleil show. Of course, one must be in the mood to be amazed and one must suspend disbelief as in the theatre or films. But given this convention between audience and artists the experience created by
Cirque du Soleil is unique (perhaps in the world). After the show I came back to reality and thought about what a great example of creativity (books have been written about Cirque's creativity). Can we learn something here? Cirque is a concept that incorporates m

any an art, from painting to arquitecture to music to theatre and dance. At its core you have athletes performing death defing feats and using their bodies in ways one can't imagine possible. But that is just a core - then the whole thing is dressed in wonder. Can your tourism business come up with creative ways to bring a sense of wonder to your product or service? For example, Indigo hotels have created a concept that incorporates color in their hotels with sleek design. It differentiates their properties from others and while one may say this does not consitute wonder, it's a step above just a simple room with a bed. Strive for wonder. Your guests will appreciate it and they will want to come back again.
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