Gasps and wow's were heard during last month's Canada-e-Connect conference when
Emanuelle Legault, Directrice, Communications et Publicité, mentioned during her presentation that
Tourism Montreal's marketing budget was going
digital 100%. Since then,
the blogosphere has been abuzz with comments (mostly very positive) about this bold move. I myself am in awe that
a Canadian destination has become the (as far as we know)
first destination in the world to put its money where most of the worlds' travellers are today, that is in the digital space (whether accessed via a computer or a mobile device). If you can read German see what the
TourismusZukunft blog had to say about it. Otherwise read the excellent article by Vicky Brock in her
Tracking Tourism: The Tourism Research Blog. The also
German Cofree blog blogged about this today. Canada's
Marketing Magazine has also featured news about this strategy.
I am confident that Tourism Montreal's strategy will pay off, especially in this challenging yearmuch success, and I wish them . If at all possible, we hope to see an update presentation by Tourism Montreal at
Canada-e-Connect 2010.
Jaime Horwitz MBA
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