Canada-e-Connect eTourism Strategy Conference 2010, aka #CEC2010 by its Twitter hash tag, was a resounding success, in my opinion. Of course, you might say I am somewhat biased because I was Co-Chair of the Conference, but I would submit to you that, on the contrary, I would not be biased because I, together with my colleagues on the Advisory Committee, TIAC (Tourism Industry Association of Canada), and my Co-Chair Carmen Ciotola from Tourism Montreal, were the ones sweating every moment hoping everything would go as planned and hoping to exceed the delegates expectations.
But judging from feedback I personally received during and after the conference, and the approximately 1,000 tweets from Wednesday Jan 27 at 6 pm to Friday Jan 29 at 4 pm (yes I have counted them), which made #CEC2010 one of the top ten Twitter topics in Canada at various times, I am confident that delegates found the conference helpful and stimulating, and that they left Montreal with knowledge that is actionable and that they can apply to their organizations' strategies. Just the act of starting to use Twitter to communicate and network was well received by the several attendees who started to tweet for the first time at CeC2010. CeC's tweets, by the way, reached thousands of Twitter users not only in Canada, but internationally (more on that in an upcoming post)
Now that the conference is fresh in my mind, and before I get back to the daily challenges of work and family next week, I decided to take some time on this cold (but sunny) Saturday afternoon to write a few posts about the conference and some thoughts about the future. Feel free to share the posts on Facebook or Twitter using the AddThis buttons at the end of each post.
Jaime Horwitz mBA
Chair Canada-e-Connect 2009
Chair Canada-e-Connect 2009
Co-Chair Canada-e-Connect 2010
Member of TIAC since 1999
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