Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Social Media is not a FAD. It's the new way to communicate and stay in touch.

I don't know if all the data on this video is correct, but it is undeniable that social media and social media tools are here to stay and are changing the way a significant percentage of the world's population behaves in their daily lives. Digital everything, as Prof. Ian Fenwick has said, is the new standart gauge. And digital technology is what enables social media.

The enormous challenge for tourism marketers is understanding how best to take advantage of the new normal in communications. At Canada-e-Connect 2009, we focused a lot on engaging people as oppose to targeting target markets. This is easier said than done. Travel is very unique in terms of engaging people and creating relationships with destination brands. Destinations are not like iPods or Nike Airs. Many people visit a destination just once or twice in their lives. They don't interact with the destination on a daily basis like people do with their iPhones, Blackberrys, Nike Airs, Honda Civics or Swatch watches. How then to take advantage of the conversation out there. Currently, Twitter is the rage, but the micro-blogging service is just one in many tools that tourism marketers can use. No tool will accomplish everything you need to accomplish as a tourism marketer. Sometimes, old style call-to-action price-point advertising may be just what is needed. Social Media should be more of an ongoing activity regardless of the season.

Jaime Horwitz MBA

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