I spent the last day and a half in Niagara Falls attending Online Revealed Canada (Thank you Alicia and Patricia for the invite). It's my first time at Online Revealed and I thought it was important for me to come in order to see and experience the conference vis a vis Canada-e-Connect eTourism Strategy Conference. The reason being that there may be some confusion in the marketplace as to the difference between the two conferences. While the terminology of some of the sessions is similar ORC focuses more on an educational approach, a workshop format, whereas Canada e Connect focuses more on strategic presentations trying to cover all topics related to new media and eTourism. While Online Revealed Canada focuses on eMarketing, Canada-e-Connect focuses on all areas of strategy that are or can be touched, influenced, affected by digital technology (the new standard gauge to use Dr. Ian Fenwick's analogy), i.e. Marketing, Distribution, Human Resources, Systems, Structure, etc. One of CeC's objectives is also to present to the attendees the latest trends in eTourism technology and strategy from anywhere in the world in order to provide a framework for the industry to ascertain where we are compared to the rest of the world, to our competitors.
It is my hope that both ORC and CeC can collaborate with each other in some way in the future because it can only benefit the Canadian Tourism Industry as a whole. The industry employs over 600,000 people. ORC and CeC together have only reached about 1200 people (perhaps). If we count those who have attended more than once, these events might have reached 1000 members of the Canadian tourism industry. Even if we considered the audience for any of these events to be only canadian tourism professionals in managerial or marketing positions it is clear that we have a long way to go to reach everyone in our potential audiences.
Jaime Horwitz MBA
Co-Chair Canada-e-Connect 2010
Co-Chair Canada-e-Connect 2010
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