Friday, 18 January 2008

Canadian Tourism : Missed Opportunities? What's Wrong? Are we shooting ourselves in the foot?

A note in today's Globe and Mail dissappoints me as a Canadian Tourism professional and infuriates me as a Canadian citizen and passionate domestic traveller. "Quebec City's 400th Anniversary - Birthday bash turning into a big-time bust," reads the headline on page A4. Apparently the tales of woe of the 400th Anniversary continue unabated. The head of the organizing committee was demoted after conflict of interest allegations surfaced recently.

The fantastic show on New Year's Eve/Day has been criticized for not provinding "adequate transportation, proper crowd control" and the lack of "promised giant screens for everyone to take the show." Well, leave it to the media to be critical. I was able to catch some of the show on television and from what I saw, I wished I had been there. Having said that though, I think the great opportunity for Canadian Tourism that the 400th Anniversary could have been - is not.

In my previous posting I touched on our regional and historical jealousies and grievances, which it seems to me have everything to do with the fact that the powers that be (be it the PM or Premier Charest or whoever) did not invite the Queen to the celebrations. This is unfortunate, although understandable. However, everyone agrees that the Queen's invitation would have given the celebrations (and most importantly Quebec City) worldwide publicity. I am not ignorant of 1759 and I understand political sensitivities regarding separatism, but "come on", if you have the chance to put your province in the world stage in a positive light... (Mexico was not only conquered by Spain, but its indigenous people were exploited and even tortured and murdered by the Spaniards and their Inquisition during the 16th and 17th centuries, but today Mexicans and Spaniards have one of the strongest and loving relationships in the world, and I am curious to find out if the King of Spain will be invited to Mexico's Bicentennial celebrations in 2010).

Now, according to the G&M article it's been reported that the Pope has declined an invitation to attend the International Eucharistic Congress in Quebec City - another blow to the year's events.

And for the icing on this bitter cake, what is supposed to be one of the major events of the celebrations, The Urban Opera, a spectacular arts extravaganza in Quebec City on July 4, 5 and 6 with more than 1,000 performers and multimedia shows, may be cancelled (the Globe's article indicated it may be cancelled today). This one, not only bothers me as a promoter of Canada (and make no mistake, my Canada includes Quebec), but also as a Canadian passionate about traveling in Canada. My family and I chose the July 4th weekend to celebrate Quebec City's 400th precisely because I convinced them that that weekend would be incredible because of the Urban Opera. If it's cancelled, we will have to revisit our plans and knowing my wife and daughter we may decide to cancel the vacation in Quebec altogether (naah, we'll still go, I'm just upset right now).

So what's next? Celine Dion cancels free concert in August?

Just when I was thinking of making Quebec's 400th the centerpiece of my Canada promotion to Hispanic markets in 2008! Je suis vraiment triste! O Canada, O Quebec!


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