Wednesday, 21 March 2007

A blog for the Canadian Tourism Industry - Introduction

While reading an article about the new Molson Canadian Ads for the US, it dawned on me that I did not know of any Blog for the Canadian Tourism Industry community and decided to launch this one. I have invited several prominent tourism professionals with a lot more experience than mine to contribute every now and then to this blog. But the blog is open for comments from anyone about anything related to Canadian Tourism. Hopefully this blog will grow and provide the tourism community in Canada with a space to voice opinions and find practical ideas for their businesses. Ideally, it will also be a place to find out what's going on in tourism in different parts of the country that may inspire other parts to improve their tourism capabilities. I think this blog can become a nice complement to other communication tools in the industry like the CTC's Tourism News bulletin and its Tourism Online magazine.
There has been a lot of buzz lately about the Web 2.0 (as oppose to the Web 1.0? or simply the Web?). As I understand it the Web 2.0 refers to using the Web in a more interactive way to communicate, create communities, and to give people (e.g. consumers, voters, travellers) more say about their needs, wants and desires as well as more control over how they spend their time and money (e.g. what brands they favour over others). Big examples of Web 2.0 are You Tube,, My Space and Blogger. I use blogs for my own business (Canada en Espanol and - see links) and find them useful to communicate in a more personal way with visitors to my websites.
kind regards,
Jaime Horwitz

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